lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

election day

The year I turned 18 was the year of the last presidential elections, and since the registration was automatic I didn't had to think it too much, I voted for a candidate i thought was not-so-bad (I was wrong) and it wasn't very trascendental for me. It's been almost 4 years and I've learnt a lot about politics. I don't know if this year I am going to vote, and I don't think it means I am irresponsible or something like that, it's just that I lost a little faith in the "institutional democratic methods", and I honestly believe no voting is also a political choice. About electoral campaigns, I think that in general they're very unclear, and most of the time include ambiguous and unattainable promises, or populist promises that don't solve the real problems. Maybe it's a little naive, but for me a candidate should be, first of all, honest about her/his intentions, but also touch the root of the problems, and not trying to reach for a temporary solution that in the end is going to be worse. I think we all should be politically informed and organize with the people around us, but getting involved in politics, for me, doesn't mean necessarily running for a political position, or something like that. I think and important part of politics is people knowing what is happening around them, and organizing themselves to do something about it, and if that eventually leads to someone I trust running for a seat in the congress or in the city hall, I would happily vote for him/her. Currently in my district the mayoress is Cathy Barriga, a woman who was very popular among people because of her appeareances on TV shows, and she is very close to one of the most conservatives and far right parties in Chile, so I think there's a lot of work ahead. Meanwhile, maybe I will keep leaving my ballot null.

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